Deventer Post: Art makes landscape even richer (2007) Rudy Brouwer

Art makes the landscape in Salland even richer

By Rudy Brouwer
Deventer Post June 13th 2007

OKKENBROEK – Artist Elise van der Linden, in a frivolous spring dress, stretched out on her back in the hay. Her dreamy eyes are focused on a life-size canvas that she has stretched creatively against the ribbons of a darkened barn of ‘De Grote Brander’.

The monumental farm in Okkenbroek is one of the eight locations along which the bicycle route ‘Art from here to there’ could be driven in the outlying area last weekend. The 24-year-old Deventerse, who graduated from the Art Academy in Zwolle last year, seems surprised by the impressions that come in again when seeing her own video projection. “My goal is to seduce people to allow themselves to be absorbed by my work, as a result of which they are released from the world in which they normally go”, explains Van der Linden. With your head and your buttocks in bed of straw, that step seems simple.

A bright blue sky appears on the canvas with lightly swaying grass in the corners of the eye. Your imagination is, with the smell of fresh hay, soon back in a peaceful pasture out of former youth. But gradually that clear sky is moving. The chirping of birds is gradually drowned out by a boisterous roar of low-flying aircraft. The world is trapped in a motley line of condensation stripes, which, like a ball of wool, oppress your initial sense of freedom.

Van der Linden: “From my feeling at this location and the theme ‘Our yard’ I tried to project my desire for flying and freedom. I look for images that allow us to experience the world in new ways. The world that gets stuck more and more in our own interpretation as we get older. The climax in this film symbolizes the fear and threat that that might bring with it. ”

Mr and Mrs Berendsen from Twello, two of the estimated more than two thousand participants, do not know the fear of aging. They are both past seventy, but they are cycling enthusiastically. , “Preferably in Drenthe or Salland, beautiful open landscapes”, he finds while enjoying a cup of coffee and a filled cake.The elderly couple enjoy during the 25 kilometers long art route especially from old farms such as ‘The Great Burner’. they certainly have an eye for the art objects, such as the two enormous penguins in the hay at this location. “They make the beautiful and peaceful landscape even richer in this area.”

Deventer Post: Art makes landscape even richer (2007) Rudy Brouweradmin